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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Analyze This
1st inning
-Craig Biggio - strike one, yay ball game. k, never mind strike the yay, 2nd pitch ripped for a double. Now why do people always hit Horacio early in the count?
-Morgan Ensberg - ooh 1st pitch made him look ugly, strike one. He's just missing high, not by much. NICE 3-1 strike, very Glavine-esque, low and outside. 6th pitch F-9, Bigg tagged and moved to third.
-Jeff Bagwell - I love Tony Gwynn. He's so adorable. [calling the game] 0-2, 2 fouls. 2-2 he missed his spot bad w/ the last 2. Full count... NO WAY. Horacio, butt munch, walked him. Goin from 0-2 bud.
-Jeff Kent - ooh guess who needs a double play! H-O-R-A-C-I-O! *nice* strike one. same as the 3-1 to Ensberg. 2nd pitch ripped.. at least a double... yeah a double, 1 run in, Bags to third.
-Richard Hidalgo - missed outside w/ first 2 balls, bases loaded on a walk.
-Orlando Merced - did ya'll know he's related to the great Roberto Clemente? Cousin, or Nephew or something like that. 1st pitch FC, got Hidalgo at 2nd. Furcal woulda turned a DP!
-Brad Ausmus - boy is he foxy. strike one downw the middle. uh, BLUES A LOSER, ball 1 was a strike. *yawn* long inning Rami, lets end it here. Got a .207 hitter... and you HIT HIM??? Okay... bases loaded. 2 already in, 2 out.
-Adam Everett- He's really missing his spots badly now... the only strikes hes throwing are right down the middle, and thats living dangerously to a lineup like this. base hit, 2 runs in on a friggin BLOOP!
-Ron Villone - pitcher. 6-4 first pitch, good.
Dork. You hit a .207 guy. Okay, bad inning, start fresh in number 2. Not too many of the guys got that good a look at Horacio, and his control virtually stunk. Sorry, love ya, but sour inning.
2nd inning
-Craig Biggio - I don't like saying that he's facing the leadoff hitter in the 2nd inning. NEW SLATE, strike one, jumps on third pitch, P-3 woo!
-Morgan Ensberg - missing in some sports as before.. 2-2 on a foul. full count.. grr ball 4 on a *strike*.
-Jeff Bagwell - ooh! strike 2 pitch made him look U-G-L-Y! Swing and a miss [wooo Javy threw out Morgan at 2nd!] Horacios pitching outside... he doesn't pitch outside, he usually lives inside on a hitter. Bags hit a ball in the middle of the plate for a single.
-Jeff Kent - woo swing and a miss 0-1. 0-2! F-4, nice play on a backpedling Gilly.
Well, not a lot of strikes thrown, a walk and a single on a ball that could have been caught due to positioning. Oh well, he came away without a run crossing the plate, Go Horacio!!
3rd inning
-Richard Hidalgo - 1-1 base hit, booo!
-Orlando Merced - 0-1, good you can't pitch behind in the count. 1-1 again. FC got Hidalgo, DeRosa just isn't Furcal. Rafi woulda gotten him.
-Brad Ausmus - 6-4-3 FIRST PITCH WOOOOOOO!
That DP was definitely what Ramirez needed, good semi quick inning, at least compared to 1 & 2! Way to bounce baack ;-) Not much differend location pitching wise, just different results.
4th inning
-Adam Everett - Nice way of bouncing back, strike strike strike!!! P-5
-Ron Villone - 3-4
-Craig Biggio - bb, bobby is *not* happy!!!
-Morgan Ensberg - WOO HOO GREAT PLAY BY HORACIO !!!!!! 1-3 putout!!!
Sorry, my sister came over now and I only caught ^those^ results, it looked quick, other than the Biggio walk and Bobby yelling a few F-bombs.
5th inning
-Jeff Bagwell - made him look BAD on the first pitch!! 1-2, good, get ahead. Base hit after Horacio looked really good, bad luck. Bags is tearin it up!
-Jeff Kent - IMMA HURT VINNY! E-6. He's had like 3 balls go *right* by him.
-Richard Hidalgo - 1-2 nice 2nd strike. WOO STRUCK OUT SWINGING!
-Orlando Merced - Good pitches in this AB, 4-3 good play.
Better inning, seems like the less I analyze the better he does. Go Horacio!
6th inning
-Brad Ausmus - yum. Horacio looks good in this AB to bad that resulted in a base hit to left. His pitch count must be amazingly high..
-Adam Everett - ball one was WAY high. I guess thats good if Everett wants to bunt. Great on Horacio part to get the out himself on the bunt, 1U. :D
-Eric Bruntlett - PH for Villone. High strike one, if he could throw more of those that'd be peachy. base stupid hit.
That was the last guy for Horacio..
Horacio looked pretty rusty, dont know if he's feeling mid season fatigue or what. We need him, and his last few starts haven't been what we need from him. Maybe my doing this is bad luck. Imma see if Kristi will let me just keep score.
Ok so Grybo is in *again* for Horacio. PLEASE GET HIM OUT OF THIS JAM! 0-2 woo! Loser, DeRosa, no offense, but he's cost us 3 DP's. Furcal coulda made it [yes, i am biased.]
Horacio looked fine 2-6, just a high pitch count got him out. Although he threw a lot of balls, he only gave up runs in the first inning. (and the last, bc Grybo allowed it) otherwise, ok outing. Nothin to brag about, nothin to be sad about.
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